The documentary “Colleyville,” directed by Dani Menkin, provides a chilling, real-time account of the 11-hour hostage crisis at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, on a cold Saturday morning in January 2022. Utilizing never-before-seen footage from the synagogue’s 13 security cameras, the film captures the terrifying ordeal and highlights the bravery of the hostages and the resilience of the community in the face of antisemitic terrorism.
The incident began with an act of kindness when Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker welcomed Malik Faisal Akram into the synagogue, offering him tea and warmth. This seemingly ordinary act of hospitality took a dark turn when Akram brandished a gun, taking the rabbi and three others hostage. Akram’s demands revolved around the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a convicted terrorist known as “Lady al-Qaeda,” whom he believed could be freed through his actions. His demands were rooted in antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish global control, a delusion that fueled his belief that high-ranking U.S. officials would intervene on his behalf.
The security footage, a central element of the documentary, reveals the escalating tension and Akram’s erratic behavior throughout the ordeal. His rhetoric, laced with antisemitic tropes and declarations of his willingness to die for his cause, underscored the deeply ingrained hatred driving his actions. Akram’s words and actions reflect a disturbing trend of rising antisemitism and the dangers of extremist ideologies, a theme that the film powerfully conveys. The hostages, despite their fear, demonstrated remarkable courage and resourcefulness. They found moments of solidarity and devised strategies to improve their chances of survival. Larry Schwartz, an older congregant, was allowed to use the restroom and Shane Woodward, a convert to Judaism, feigned illness to negotiate his release, subsequently swapping places with Schwartz to ensure the older man’s safety. These acts of bravery and quick thinking amidst immense pressure underscore the human capacity for resilience in the face of terror.
The climax of the crisis arrived after hours of agonizing tension. Akram fired a shot into the ceiling, a moment captured on camera that heightened the already palpable fear. Cytron-Walker, having undergone active shooter training, identified a critical opportunity when Akram momentarily held a drink in his dominant hand. Seizing this fleeting moment, the rabbi threw a chair at Akram, creating a diversion and a window for escape. The hostages, led by Cytron-Walker, bolted from the synagogue, their escape captured in the dramatic security footage. Law enforcement swiftly entered the building, ultimately ending the standoff and killing Akram. Remarkably, none of the hostages suffered physical harm, although the psychological scars of the ordeal remained.
“Colleyville” transcends a mere recounting of events; it serves as a chilling reminder of the pervasive nature of antisemitism and the importance of vigilance and security. The documentary combines the raw intensity of the security footage with insightful commentary, providing a comprehensive perspective on the crisis. The film highlights the need for balancing Jewish values of welcoming strangers with the critical necessity of safeguarding communities against potential threats. Rabbi Cytron-Walker, despite his harrowing experience, remains committed to interfaith dialogue while acknowledging the heightened need for security measures in the wake of the attack.
The documentary’s release coincides with a concerning rise in antisemitic incidents globally. It serves as a stark warning and a call to action, emphasizing the importance of combating hatred and prejudice in all its forms. The film’s power lies in its ability to personalize the experience of antisemitism, bringing the audience into the heart of the crisis and forcing a confrontation with the very real dangers posed by extremist ideologies. By sharing the story of Colleyville, the documentary aims not only to commemorate the bravery of those involved but also to raise awareness and inspire action against the growing tide of antisemitism. The film underscores the message that vigilance, security, and community resilience are essential in confronting this persistent threat.