Enthuse Community: Strengthening Women- soldo Roles in Startups
The growth of startups in the digital space is increasingly centered on equity and inclusion. As a rapidly growing researcher at the University of California San Diego, I have been这意味着着:我们正在探索如何在未来快速成长中促进性别平等和多样性。
1. Bridging the Glass Ceiling
Changing the culture of hip to join Enthuse, a women-owned and women-led marketing agency, brought pride and empowerment to millions of women in the engineering field. As the CEO, Kim Lawton observed, the/category of leaders were gradually shifting away from gender favoritism. She believes that women must have a "style and an identity," not just a "boss."
2. Building a Sustainable Equity生态
For startups, an actionable plan to create an equitable leader culture in society will lead to greater innovation and funding divergence. To achieve this, we need to prioritize mentorship, sponsorships, and other impactful practices. Highlighting recent success, Enthuse cofounded the Enthuse Foundation, which provides funding for female-owned startups, turning the need for several generations into a strategy to empower women all along the chain.
3. Sustaining Equity in the Startup Space
From 2023, approximately 45% of women-owned businesses receive a full loan, compared to 55% of men-owned businesses. By teaching the importance of acting as a mentor and sponsor, Enthuse is fostering a culture that benefits equally women and men. Through her work with her husband, Shin, and college+ network, they will hold the first woman in Chief Executive roles.
The Path to equity in leadership
While innovating and scraping by is easier said than done, there is a clear path still to creating equity in the entrepreneurial world. We must ensure that every leader is treated as an equal, giving women and others opportunities that are valued beyond monetary gains.
The Road Ahead
That’s just the start. To truly create equity, every level must take responsibility. This includes narrowingiers, implementing more open standards, and encouraging female entrepreneurs to protect the systems that are ir-growing in the digital world. By paying attention to these factors, we’re all working towards making American startups truly global leaders.