Tübingen, a picturesque German university town, grapples with a dichotomous history. Today, it thrives as a vibrant community, yet its past is deeply stained by its association with the Nazi regime. Theodor Dannecker, a key figure in the Holocaust machinery, once resided in Tübingen, and the town’s prestigious university, which served as a training ground for SS officers until 1945, declared itself “Jew-free” in 1933. This legacy of antisemitism casts a long shadow, but Tübingen now actively confronts its past, striving to build a future rooted in reconciliation and remembrance.
The TOS Church, under the leadership of Jobst Bittner, stands as a beacon of this transformational effort. Bittner, also the founder of the March of Life initiative, believes that acknowledging and taking responsibility for the town’s historical complicity in the atrocities of the Holocaust is essential for the Christian community to thrive. The church actively demonstrates solidarity with the Jewish community, displaying banners in support of hostages held by Hamas and offering merchandise and books related to Israel within its premises. A poignant “Museum of Guilt” in the church’s basement exhibits images of local Nazis and the horrific consequences of their actions, starkly reminding visitors of the human cost of unchecked hatred.
The TOS Church’s commitment to interfaith understanding extends beyond symbolic gestures. Its young members, despite limited Hebrew proficiency, sing “Am Yisrael Chai,” affirming the enduring spirit of the Jewish people. They celebrate Sukkot, constructing temporary huts to commemorate the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt, demonstrating a deep respect for Jewish traditions. These acts of solidarity, coupled with the annual Hanukkah menorah lighting, signify a genuine desire to bridge divides and foster a spirit of unity.
The church’s engagement with the Holocaust narrative goes further, utilizing creative mediums to educate and promote understanding. The musical, “A Ship Makes History,” based on the story of a Holocaust survivor and the Exodus, offers a powerful and accessible way to explore the complexities of this historical trauma. The play, authored by Michaela Buckel, emphasizes the resilience of the Jewish people, highlighting their enduring will to live and rebuild in the face of unimaginable hardship. By focusing on the theme of hope and renewal, the play offers a message of strength and inspiration, especially for younger generations.
This commitment to remembrance and reconciliation within the TOS Church stems from a powerful turning point in 2003. The discovery that many congregants had ancestors who were active participants in the Nazi regime spurred a wave of introspection and repentance within the community. This painful realization, coupled with the uncovering of eight concentration camps and the grim paths of death marches in the surrounding area, forced Tübingen residents to confront the pervasive nature of Nazi influence within their own history. This collective reckoning marked a significant step towards healing and reconciliation.
The personal stories of individuals within the TOS Church underscore the profound impact of this historical reckoning. Kim-Sophie Kasch, a young worship leader, recounts the revelation that her great-grandfather served in the Wehrmacht, participating in crimes against Jewish and Polish-Lithuanian populations. The shock and subsequent reflection within her family mirrored the broader transformation occurring within the community. Heinz Reuss, an elder at the TOS Church and international director of the March of Life, shares a similar story of familial reckoning, highlighting the contrast between his courageous great-grandfather who protected Jewish friends in the Netherlands and his German grandfather who distanced himself from Jewish acquaintances. These personal narratives demonstrate the complex and often painful process of confronting inherited legacies of prejudice and the importance of speaking out against injustice.
The March of Life initiative, founded by Jobst Bittner, embodies the church’s commitment to confronting the past and building a more tolerant future. Originating in Tübingen as a prayer march involving descendants of both Holocaust survivors and Nazis, the movement has expanded globally, with events held in over 20 countries. The March of Remembrance, the American counterpart of the March of Life, commemorates Yom HaShoah, Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day, emphasizing remembrance, reconciliation, and support for Israel. These marches serve as powerful reminders of the devastating consequences of unchecked hatred and the imperative to actively combat antisemitism.
The TOS Church’s ongoing efforts to honor Holocaust survivors and educate about this dark chapter in history are exemplified by their upcoming commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th. They will welcome Irene Shashar, a survivor who endured unimaginable hardship and loss during the Holocaust, to share her story of resilience and survival. Shashar’s testimony, a testament to the strength of the human spirit, will serve as a powerful call to action, urging continued vigilance against all forms of intolerance and discrimination. The church’s commitment to remembrance serves as a powerful model for other communities grappling with difficult historical legacies, demonstrating the transformative power of confronting the past and embracing a future built on understanding and respect.