Rudy Giuliani, once hailed as “America’s Mayor,” found himself embroiled in a legal battle stemming from a $148 million defamation verdict. The verdict, handed down in 2023, resulted from Giuliani’s false accusations against Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, claiming they attempted to rig the 2020 presidential election in favor of Joe Biden. Now seeking to collect on the substantial judgment, Freeman and Moss are pursuing Giuliani’s assets, leading to a contentious court hearing where the former mayor faced intense scrutiny over his missing possessions.
The hearing, held in Manhattan federal court, focused on Giuliani’s alleged failure to disclose and surrender certain assets, potentially leading to contempt of court charges. Among the missing items were several valuable pieces of memorabilia, including a $10,000 baseball jersey signed by Yankee legend Joe DiMaggio and Giuliani’s grandfather’s 120-year-old gold pocket watch. Lawyers representing Freeman and Moss presented evidence, including photographs, suggesting that the DiMaggio jersey, once prominently displayed above Giuliani’s fireplace, had vanished. Giuliani’s explanations for the missing items ranged from blaming his ex-wife for possessing some of them after his divorce to claiming confusion over his extensive collection of sports memorabilia. He admitted the possibility of mistaking the sought-after autographed photo of Reggie Jackson for one featuring Derek Jeter, further fueling suspicions about his cooperation with the court’s asset discovery process.
The legal proceedings exposed a stark contrast between Giuliani’s former image as a respected figure and his current predicament. The 80-year-old, who served as a personal lawyer to former President Donald Trump, vehemently protested the line of questioning during the hearing, deeming it “abusive” and “overbroad.” He argued that the inquiries were excessive and went beyond the scope of the case. However, the judge pressed Giuliani on his knowledge of the asset disclosure requirements and his responsibility to comply. Giuliani’s defense appeared shaky, particularly regarding the whereabouts of his grandfather’s cherished pocket watch, which he claimed to have placed in a safe deposit box for safekeeping. This explanation, however, did little to appease the court or satisfy the plaintiffs seeking to collect on their judgment.
The courtroom drama extended beyond the legal arguments, revealing glimpses of Giuliani’s personality and demeanor under pressure. During a break in the proceedings, Giuliani engaged in a lighthearted exchange with courtroom sketch artist Jane Rosenberg, jokingly requesting a flattering portrayal. He playfully criticized a previous sketch, comparing it to his dog, highlighting a moment of levity amidst the tense legal battle. This interaction underscored the complex and often contradictory nature of Giuliani’s public persona.
The missing memorabilia represented just a fraction of the assets sought by Freeman and Moss. The list also included 26 watches, a Mercedes formerly owned by actress Lauren Bacall, various other sports memorabilia, and Giuliani’s New York City apartment lease. Giuliani’s former lawyer, Kenneth Caruso, had previously informed the court that the jersey and other items were stored in a locked facility in Ronkonkoma, Long Island. This discrepancy further complicated matters and raised questions about the accuracy and completeness of Giuliani’s disclosures. The potential loss of these possessions, including several Yankees World Series rings, underscored the significant financial stakes for Giuliani in this ongoing legal battle.
The defamation case and its subsequent fallout have had a profound impact on Giuliani’s career and reputation. He has been disbarred for making false claims about the 2020 election and faces criminal charges in Georgia and Arizona for his alleged role in aiding Trump’s efforts to overturn the election results. He has pleaded not guilty to these charges. The pursuit of his assets by Freeman and Moss represents a further consequence of his actions and adds another layer to the complex legal challenges he currently faces. The ongoing legal proceedings will determine the extent of Giuliani’s financial liability and the fate of his remaining assets, leaving a significant mark on the legacy of the once-revered “America’s Mayor.”