Jason Kelce, the recently retired Philadelphia Eagles center, has embarked on a new venture as the host of a late-night talk show aptly titled “They Call It Late Night.” Airing on ESPN during the NFL playoffs, the show has quickly become a family affair, with Kelce’s wife, Kylie, serving as the official announcer and their three young daughters, Wyatt, Ellie, and Bennett, playing integral roles in shaping the show’s identity. A recent episode showcased the Kelce family’s collaborative spirit as they embarked on a mission to create a unique mascot for the program.
The process of mascot creation began with a simple question posed by Jason: “Do you know what a mascot is?” Ellie, demonstrating her awareness of the Eagles’ mascot, Swoop, correctly answered, setting the stage for the family’s artistic endeavor. Jason then proposed the challenge of designing their own version of Swoop, encouraging his daughters to contribute their creative ideas. With crayons in hand, Wyatt, Ellie, and Bennett set to work, crafting a mascot that would embody the spirit of “They Call It Late Night.” The girls’ imaginative drawings, complete with whimsical details like a “pizza hand” and “chicken legs,” formed the basis of the final design.
The unveiling of the mascot, a vibrant amalgamation of the girls’ contributions, was a moment of both amusement and pride for the Kelce family. Wyatt and Ellie bestowed upon their creation the memorable moniker “Dragon McFart-Fart Butt-Butt,” a name that elicited laughter from Jason and the audience. He praised his daughters’ artistic prowess, remarking that they had “nailed” the task, highlighting Ellie’s contribution of the body and Wyatt’s design of the face. Even young Bennett, through an “accidental scribble,” contributed the mascot’s legs, a testament to the inclusive nature of the family project.
The mascot, brought to life by a colleague sporting a specially designed costume, made its debut on the show, greeting the audience with an enthusiastic “Hello, I’m Dragon McFart-Fart Butt-Butt. It’s so fun to be here! Thanks so much for making me girls.” Jason, beaming with pride, expressed his admiration for the final product, declaring it “incredibly perfect” and lamenting that its presence would be limited to the show’s remaining two-week run. The creation of Dragon McFart-Fart Butt-Butt not only provided a lighthearted moment on the show but also served as a heartwarming illustration of the Kelce family’s creative collaboration and playful dynamic.
“They Call It Late Night” has provided a platform for Jason Kelce to showcase his personality beyond the football field. The involvement of his family, particularly his daughters, adds a unique dimension to the show, transforming it into a shared experience that celebrates their collective creativity. The mascot creation episode exemplifies this dynamic, demonstrating how Jason and Kylie have integrated their children into the show’s fabric, fostering a collaborative and entertaining environment.
The limited run of “They Call It Late Night,” coinciding with the NFL playoffs, adds to its unique appeal. The show’s informal, family-oriented approach provides a refreshing contrast to traditional late-night programming, offering viewers a glimpse into the Kelces’ lives and their shared sense of humor. As Jason embarks on this new chapter of his career, “They Call It Late Night” serves as a testament to his versatility and his ability to connect with audiences in a new and engaging way, all while showcasing the endearing bond he shares with his family. The short lifespan of the show, concluding with the 2025 Super Bowl, makes each episode, and each appearance of Dragon McFart-Fart Butt-Butt, all the more special.