The Evolution of Virtual Web Meetings at Amazon:从小简单的功能到专业的团队协作 From 2017 to today, Amazon has undergone a transformative shift in its…
James Bond: The续 staged: A new film could soon bring fans back to the iconic 007 The James Bond series,…
Emily Alvarado, a Democrat from the West Seattleicodeороos, filed a Senate Bill 5600, introduced by hisSupporting the bill aimed at…
Pinch is a tech-driven service that provides in-home medical-grade concierge aesthetics, offering treatments such as-tool tapping (Botox), chemical peels, and…
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Lumotive Innovations Launches Cutting-Edge Optics for 3D sensing and autonomous systems Lumotive, a visionary startup based in Redmond, Wash., has…
近年来,微软在游戏人工智能领域持续深入研究,探索如何通过AI技术为游戏设计提供更人性化的互动体验。近期,公司推出了世界与人类动作模型(WHAM,简称Muse)这款新一代的人工智能模型,得到了$field外玩家的广泛认可。这篇内容主要分为以下三个部分,我们将从模型的性能、技术应用及其未来意义三个方面进行总结。 首先,Muse模型通过投入十一亿张玩家动作数据,打造了一款能够模拟真实Latent Player Actions的 advanced AI框架。这种模型能够理解3D游戏中的世界构造和动作执行,进而生成和模拟更接近人类动作的实际玩家行为。用户apping实验中,Muse已经能够在真实的游戏场景中生成一段高频率的 controller动作序列,而在训练期间,它模拟了玩家在面对真实棋盘战术时的情景动作。这种高分辨率的三维建模能力,使Muse能够在真实世界中模拟出更像人类动作的行为。 其次,Muse模型已经被 Microsoft Xbox Game Studios采用,在游戏内实时构建和生成AI控制序列。通过整合来自现实中 epsilon (;;)的操作数据,Muse已经能够根据用户提供的预设条件(如 controller 几何和动作序列)生成出一段控制代码。Kardar表示,Muse的发展已经step into in-house 前端开发,从而开始将这款模型用于创作实时 play中的人机交互。Muse的训练数据包含来自多个icode测试栈的来自不同领域的…
Summary of Microsoft’s Majorana 1 Quantum Processor Brownwave of Research: Microsoft’s Majorana 1 quantum processor represents a groundbreaking leap in…
GeekWire Awards 2025: A veteran Tech Community Highlighted The latest event in the tech world’s elite list is reaching us…
Certainly! Below is a condensed and summarized version of the provided content in 6 paragraphs, each spanning approximately 333 words.…
Certainly! Below is a structured and elegant summary of the provided content, condensed into a coherent, two-paragraph introduction. The content…
Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell: Public Speech on the Future of Seattle Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell delivered a speculative speech at…