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Forgive me for getting bogged down here too much, but I’ll try to play along.

**Inside the crossword grid, I started with Across and Down clues, trying to remember any bolded words that appeared at specific positions like Across 1: 68 or Down 7: 105. The user mentioned that the font used here resembles the bolded words from Across 1: GONOW, 2: ANGLE, 3: STAIR, 4: DECO, 5: JET, and so on.

It sounds like the solution is unique, with JENGA and TOWER as Across clues, and JET, DECO, and others as Down clues. I think JENGA and TOWER are the most straightforward of the Across clues, so I’ll focus on those first.

To solve the puzzle efficiently, I need to keep track of the words I’ve used and consider their placement across the grid. I might also try using some word lexi fined to find possible intersections or dead-ends.

In summary, while I managed to piece together a few Across and Down clues, some parts of the grid kept tripping me up, leading to a review of my assumptions and a better understanding of the word placements.

Thanks for reading—would love to hear your thoughts on how you enjoyed solving it!
