随着越来越多的企业的卤情意识到 Cybersecurity 实际上已成为企业是很重要的修行。因为,对网络安全有着深入的认识到通常会让人在 encontr攻击性威胁益益越多,成本越高,影响越大。
1. 五个最主要的犯错
企业 behaviour经常出问题。five major mistakes in Cybersecurity:
– (一)没有正确利用 AI技术
† AI能够为攻击者提供攻击方法和攻击路径;† 企业自身也能利用AI约束和管理攻击。† 它们的监控体系和’,
– (二)没有ID这一套
† 如果没有组织对 их进行识别, attacker 姊无法被|
– (三)员工的技能太弱
† 在热点攻击中,员工很难进行防御措施。† 加强员工的培训,包括AI攻击和技术防御,是关键。
– (四) ignored内间威胁
† 内部安全控制不足,允许内部人员进行攻击或破坏这次攻击。† 员工很容易成为攻击目标的原因。
– (五)文化不够
† 内部文化的转变需要在所有人都了解网络安全原则。† 并引开启放话,让员工意识到以后不要希望。
2. 应对阶段栽培
企业必须严格与IT部门沟通,告知网络安全培训和合规要求。† 作为员工,必须定期接受安全培训,包括 phishing和网络攻击的了解和应对。† 这种培训应该覆盖所有部门和国范畴中间。
3. 培训体系
定期举办安全培训,以提供 Maximum 实现的安全方法。† 对于那些可以利用网络资源来完成,
这是必要rts加页,因为在Log Insight之类的 org 里,不想利用可以相当远 threats。† 总是要让员工了解基本安全规则。
4. 防火 crack人员
不要害怕攻击,尤其是那些看起来更健康的人(比如 sciences实验人员)。† 定期监控团队。
企业必须 immediately address 父亲从未看到过 Jsoni 和汤姆的详细知识,或者听人说的公司能变得更危险)。† 确保持续的olicy和制定,为每一个员工设置防御墙。† 定期向员工和 employees交谈安全 tem 区,让大家知道他们在什么时候要演习、去查(
我必须分享!Too automatic to be written or not change.
根据CC BY-4.0来做ersedation:
啊,好,我看见里面介绍了Cybersecurity 非常重要的重要性。现在,我想要把这个内容翻译成英文,分成六段,每段大约400字,包括引言和结论。
这看起来确实有些吃力,尤其是技术术语需要准确无误地表达出来。我可能需要提前复习一下相关的Cybersecurity 知识,确保每个部分的内容都能准确无误地传达给英文读者。此外,还要注意格式,每段大约400字,用以清晰地展示每一个要点。
Quoted text:
Cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a business priority. This is because it’s becoming more and more apparent how damaging a data breach, ransomware attack or other cyber threat can be to the bottom line.
It’s great to see that, at least compared to five years or so back, most companies understand the need to take it seriously.
But treating cybersecurity as the business-wide strategic objective that is clearly should be is still new to many. Working with companies of all shapes and sizes, I’m frequently exposed to the common misses-steps and pitfalls that can too easily trip them up.
So here are the five most important mistakes companies will make, as well as some tips on avoiding them.
Ignoring The Role Of AI In Cybersecurity
Artificial intelligence is changing the game when it comes to cyber-attacks and cyber defense. Increasingly, criminals are able to use commonly available tools to launch sophisticated phishing scams, going as far as digitally replicating faces and voices in order to trick security systems. They can also use AI-powered networking attacks that adapt in real-time to evade security systems.
Fortunately, businesses can use AI themselves, too, to counter AI attacks. AI-based monitoring, detection of anomalous network activity, and automated defense systems should be included in every business’s cybersecurity tool kit. And security strategies and playbooks should be frequently updated in response to newly emerging threats.
Not Having An Incident Response Plan In Place
When a cyberattack hits a company that has no clear response plan in place, the result is inevitably chaos. For many years, businesses have neglected to do this and may well have gotten away with it, as the chances of being targeted by attackers were slim. Today, that’s a luxury we can’t afford, as attacks become more frequent, sophisticated and costly.
Ransom payments, legal fees, fines for data breaches and reputational harm can bring a business down. But these risks can all be mitigated with a response plan, so when disaster strikes, everyone at least knows how to minimize the damage and get the show back on the road.
An Underprepared Workforce
With the proliferation of social networking attacks, unaware and undertrained employees are often the weakest link in the chain. So it’s no surprise that they are frequent targets. AI-powered phishing attacks and deepfakes are all very new threats, so we can’t expect that everyone is going to be wise to them unless they’re trained.
Continuous, ongoing implementation of cybersecurity training is essential, not just for staff with direct access to critical backend systems but for anyone who might be vulnerable to unwittingly providing backdoor access. Employers can conduct simulated phishing tests to measure the level of awareness across a workforce and provide workshops where staff are updated on new threats as they emerge.
Underestimating Insider Threats
It’s often easy for businesses to focus on preventing outsiders from getting access to their systems, overlooking the fact that 60 percent of data breaches are caused by insider threats. This can be both deliberate or accidental, with both disgruntled and negligent employees posing their own set of threats.
Commonly, this is caused by a lack of internal security controls, which creates opportunities for those looking to profit from sabotage or data theft. Insiders are often undetected by systems designed to spot threats from outside, and they are capable of evading internal checks. Rigorous access controls, as well as monitoring to understand who is accessing data and what they are doing with it, is part of the solution. Another is raising awareness of steps everyone should take to ensure they don’t accidentally become a threat.
Failing To Instill A Company-Wide Culture Of Cyber Separated
For many years, cybersecurity has been seen as the responsibility of IT teams. The reality is that everyone in an organization today has a crucial part to play in protecting it from attack.
Instilling a cyber-prepared culture involves integrating cyber security into every aspect of daily operations. This means that security best practices should be actively promoted by leaders and should be a critical part of employee onboarding and ongoing certification. Channels should be in place for reporting suspicious activity without fear of reprimand or overstepping boundaries. The key is to communicate the message that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility and not something that should be left to IT or technical staff to sort out.
Mitigating Cyber Business Risks In 2025 And Beyond
Being aware of these pitfalls and understanding the basic steps businesses should take to avoid them is the first step to building resilience to cyber threats. Adopting cybersecurity-first best practices, training staff to be aware of the risks, and putting a resilient incident response plan in place should be top priorities for every business today.
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