This case revolves around accusations of sexual abuse against Dr. Bradford Bomba Sr., a former team doctor for the Indiana University men’s basketball team, spanning from the 1960s to the late 1990s. Three former players, Haris Mujezinovic, Charlie Miller, and John Flowers, have come forward with allegations detailing unnecessary and invasive prostate exams conducted by Bomba. These examinations, they claim, were not medically justified and constituted sexual abuse. The lawsuit paints a picture of a pervasive and disturbing pattern of behavior, suggesting that these examinations were a known and discussed practice within the team, even in the presence of coaching staff and other university employees.
The first two accusers, Mujezinovic and Miller, who played under the legendary coach Bobby Knight in the 1990s, initiated the lawsuit in October, alleging that Bomba subjected them to unwarranted prostate exams. Their accounts depict a culture of silence and normalization surrounding Bomba’s actions, with teammates discussing the exams as a rite of passage, referring to them as Bomba’s “test.” This suggests a disturbing acceptance of the doctor’s behavior within the team dynamic. The lawsuit alleges that these conversations occurred openly in the locker room, within earshot of assistant coaches, trainers, and other staff members, raising questions about the extent of knowledge and potential complicity within the university’s athletic department.
John Flowers, who played for the Hoosiers in the early 1980s, recently joined the lawsuit, adding further weight to the allegations against Bomba. Flowers’s testimony introduces another layer to the case, implicating longtime trainer Tim Garl. According to Flowers, Garl was not only aware of Bomba’s inappropriate examinations but also actively participated in the culture of mockery surrounding them. The lawsuit claims Garl made jokes about the exams, further traumatizing the young athletes who were subjected to them. This alleges not only a breach of trust by a medical professional but also a deliberate disregard for the players’ well-being by a member of the training staff.
The lawsuit asserts that Bomba’s actions were widely known and discussed among players, with the implication that coaching staff and other university employees were also aware of the alleged abuse. This raises serious questions about the university’s responsibility in protecting its student-athletes. The players’ attorney, Kathleen Delaney, has estimated that Bomba may have abused as many as 100 athletes during his tenure at Indiana University, a staggering number that highlights the potential scope of the alleged misconduct. This suggests a systemic failure within the athletic department to address and prevent the alleged abuse, potentially spanning decades.
The university has officially declined to comment directly on the lawsuit, referring to a previous statement from September indicating that an independent review of the matter is underway. This response raises concerns about the university’s transparency and commitment to addressing the allegations thoroughly. While an independent review is a necessary step, the lack of specific comment on the new allegations leaves many questions unanswered. The silence from both Garl and Bomba’s legal representation further complicates the situation, leaving the public and the alleged victims awaiting a more comprehensive response.
The three former players who have come forward have expressed their determination to seek justice and to encourage other potential victims to speak out. Mujezinovic, Miller, and Flowers have all released statements expressing their hope that their actions will shed light on the alleged abuse and prevent future incidents. Their courage in coming forward challenges the culture of silence that often surrounds such cases and empowers other survivors to share their stories. The case underscores the importance of accountability and transparency within collegiate athletic programs and the urgent need for institutions to prioritize the safety and well-being of their student-athletes above all else. The ongoing legal proceedings will undoubtedly continue to shed light on the extent of the alleged abuse and the university’s role in addressing it.